About QuantCo

We leverage expertise in data science, engineering, and economics to help organizations turn data into decisions. Started by 4 PhDs from Harvard and Stanford, we are now more than 100 professionals with extensive quantitative, engineering, and business experience.

Headquartered in Boston, we have offices in San Francisco, Berlin, Cologne, Karlsruhe, London, Munich, and Zurich. Our product line includes algorithmic pricing, data-driven claims management, and high-dimensional forecasting solutions. Our customers include some of the largest financial, retail, and healthcare organizations in the US and Europe.

Engineering @QuantCo

As software engineers at QuantCo, we impact core business processes and decisions by combining data insights with scalable engineering solutions. We build the services and products around the machine learning models and data pipelines that come out of the Data Science process. Additionally, we have some awesome engineering that ensures that our Data Scientists/Quants work in the most efficient way. Our core infrastructure is build upon cutting-edge opensource tooling. We are not only consumers of the opensource ecosystem but also contribute to these projects.